Saturday, March 5, 2016


Season 7 episode 3, A Town Called Mercy, is quite possibly my favorite episode of Matt's.

The humor, drama and thrills in this episode make it one of the best.

The Doctor, Amy and Rory were a little off from Mexico, and landed in Mercy, Nevada. A place that looks like it came directly from an old western movie, except "the locals are hostile to strangers, and a border of stone and wood surrounds the town. As the Doctor soon finds out, a gunslingers behind this, and not just an ordinary one."

The Gunslinger is from a species called Kahler, but his name is Kahler-Tek. The Kahler were a technologically gifted race who suffered from a terrible war that wiped out 50% of the planet. A group of scientists, including Kahler-Jex, had the job of restoring peace. They experimented on volunteers and turned them into cyborg killers.


 Kahler-Tek is half man, half machine and he seeks revenge on the scientists who turned him into a cyborg. Kahler-Jex is the last one of the scientists, and he just happens to be in Mercy.

Jex really does regret what he had to do to those poor men during the war. He stays in Mercy, Nevada as a way to atone for his sins.

Kahler-Tek is a disturbing looking man with a laser for an arm, a tattoo on his face, scars everywhere and he even has a Cybernetic eye with built in censors.

Kahler-Tek forces everyone in Mercy to stay behind the barrier, anyone who crosses is killed, and demands that they hand over Kahler-Jex or he will kill them all anyway.

The episode takes a series of dramatic turns, Amy fires a weapon, the Doctor holds a gun to someone's head and there was even a sacrifice. I'm going to include one of my favorite scenes as well as the trailer, below.

Amy takes things into her own hands

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