Friday, February 19, 2016


In season 6, episode 5 we meet the "Gangers"

The Doctor, Amy and Rory end up in the 22nd century where they find five people, Dicken, Miranda Cleaves, Jimmy Wicks, Buzzer and Jennifer Lucas working on an acid mine. They are using Gangers, short for Doppelgangers, to keep themselves safe while working in such a dangerous environment.

The Gangers are formed from an artificial substance called the Flesh, which are telepathically controlled by their human twins. When the Ganger falls in acid for instance, Buzz, another Ganger can be created with ease.

"Creating a Ganger is a complex process. First, a special harness scans the molecular structure of a human. Next a vat of Flesh slowly fills up a human sized tank until it is brimming with the gooey white substance. Slowly, facial features begin to form, the process continues until a perfect Ganger copy has been created." (Doctor Who The Complete Visual Collection)

Jennifer's Ganger Being Created
When a solar tsunami hits the monastery where the acid mine is located, the link between the humans and their Gangers is severed and the Gangers become their own people. The Gangers have their own thoughts and feelings, which leads down a bad road.

The humans and the Gangers have it out for each other because the humans think of them as copies, not real people, but the Gangers feel like real people, they have memories and can think on their own.

The Doctor Talking To The Gangers

The Gangers plot to kill the humans to ensure their own survival. The most troublesome Ganger was Jennifer's. She wasn't very stable, she doesn't remember that the humans on the island were her coworkers. She plots to kill them by causing the mine's acid to explode, and tries to rally her fellow Gangers to start a Ganger revolution worldwide. Jennifer's Ganger eventually becomes a disgusting flesh monster, which I won't add pictures of because it needs to be a surprise to you when you watch the episode.

Jennifer's Ganger Tries To Hurt Rory

Matt Gets A Ganger

Oh and not to mention, the end of this episode reveals a REALLY BIG secret!!! Totally caught me off guard.. What did you guys think of this episode? You can vote or comment below to let me know!  Trailer down below \/ \/ \/


  1. I love this episode! So many twists and not to mention the gingers are creepy as hell looking. Kinda like a human slowly melting!

    1. That is how they look huh!? I never thought about it like that.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Those gangers look really creepy. Cool post though
