Friday, February 26, 2016

The Minotaur

In season 6, episode 11 the T.A.R.D.I.S gets taken off course, and lands in what looks to be a hotel.

They find lots of portraits hanging on the wall, with extremely odd captions underneath them. Such as  "that gorilla."
Rory reads the captions found under the pictures

Amy, Rory and the Doctor meet a peculiar group of people who seem to be terrified of something.

They are threatened with a chair leg
The three are told that there is a "room" for everyone, and found out that once you see your room, you repeatedly say "praise him" until you are killed by a monster.

The monster ends up being a Minotaur, a terrifying horned creature that stalks the halls of the hotel looking for its next victim.

While walking around the hotel they find out what sort of things are in the rooms...

This creepy clown was in one of the rooms

 The Doctor believes that the Minotaur is feeding off of the fear of those trapped in the hotel. But he was wrong, the Minotaur was feeding off of their faith. The Minotaur literally drained the life from it's victims.

When the Doctor traps the Minotaur he tries to interrogate him but fails when the Minotaur acts likes a normal bull and smashes his way out of the trap. 

The minotaur has several horns on his head, both in the front and the back, he has powerful arms and fists. He wears ragged, primitive-style clothing to fit with his age, which just so happens to be thousands of years old. 

The Minotaur

The story behind the Minotaur is actually pretty sad, he was imprisoned for thousands of years and wanted nothing but his own death.

That's all I'll say about the Minotaur because you know, #spoilers.  Keep looking though! I have some pretty cool pictures and a trailer, as always! Love you Whovians !


Friday, February 19, 2016


In season 6, episode 5 we meet the "Gangers"

The Doctor, Amy and Rory end up in the 22nd century where they find five people, Dicken, Miranda Cleaves, Jimmy Wicks, Buzzer and Jennifer Lucas working on an acid mine. They are using Gangers, short for Doppelgangers, to keep themselves safe while working in such a dangerous environment.

The Gangers are formed from an artificial substance called the Flesh, which are telepathically controlled by their human twins. When the Ganger falls in acid for instance, Buzz, another Ganger can be created with ease.

"Creating a Ganger is a complex process. First, a special harness scans the molecular structure of a human. Next a vat of Flesh slowly fills up a human sized tank until it is brimming with the gooey white substance. Slowly, facial features begin to form, the process continues until a perfect Ganger copy has been created." (Doctor Who The Complete Visual Collection)

Jennifer's Ganger Being Created
When a solar tsunami hits the monastery where the acid mine is located, the link between the humans and their Gangers is severed and the Gangers become their own people. The Gangers have their own thoughts and feelings, which leads down a bad road.

The humans and the Gangers have it out for each other because the humans think of them as copies, not real people, but the Gangers feel like real people, they have memories and can think on their own.

The Doctor Talking To The Gangers

The Gangers plot to kill the humans to ensure their own survival. The most troublesome Ganger was Jennifer's. She wasn't very stable, she doesn't remember that the humans on the island were her coworkers. She plots to kill them by causing the mine's acid to explode, and tries to rally her fellow Gangers to start a Ganger revolution worldwide. Jennifer's Ganger eventually becomes a disgusting flesh monster, which I won't add pictures of because it needs to be a surprise to you when you watch the episode.

Jennifer's Ganger Tries To Hurt Rory

Matt Gets A Ganger

Oh and not to mention, the end of this episode reveals a REALLY BIG secret!!! Totally caught me off guard.. What did you guys think of this episode? You can vote or comment below to let me know!  Trailer down below \/ \/ \/

Friday, February 12, 2016


In season 6 episode 10, The Doctor, Amy and Rory encounter the Handbots.

They are medical robots designed to look after people suffering from the fatal Chen 7 plague that was located in the Two Streams facility on a planet called Apalapucia. In case you're trying to pronounce the name of the planet, watch below.

These robots did not have a huge range of motion and they were also quite lacking in intelligence. But they were made with hypodermic needles and darts to administer the medicine. They walk around with their hands up to sense bacteria in the area, as well as see.

The Handbots are unable to tell that a human body would not be able to cope with their medicine, and this is what makes them villains. They are only trying to help, but really they could kill Amy and Rory. Amy gets trapped for 36 years with these Handbots chasing her, and surprisingly, she holds her own.  

Amy protecting herself from the Handbots

Amy even makes a Rory-bot, he is adorable. 


The most awkward part of the episode is when the two Amy's meet each other, but you know, it's wobbly wobbly, timey, wimey. 


Season 6 Episode 4 was called "The Doctor's Wife" if you're a Whovian, you'll know it.

In this episode, The Doctor, Amy and Rory travel outside the universe, and meet some very interesting folks. Their names were Auntie and Uncle.

Auntie and Uncle
Rather upbruptly they meet, Idris. They don't know until later but she is the Tardis, in a matter of speaking. House, the villain in the episode, is the planet that they landed on. But it has a conscience, and he can talk. On House's orders Nephew (the ood on the planet) empties Idris' mind from her body and fills it with the Tardis matrix.

The Doctor and his wife, Idris

House was able to separate Amy and Rory from the Doctor when the two of them went back to the Tardis. House plays evil little tricks on Amy and Rory, using the Tardis. House does things like blinding Amy and tricking her into thinking Rory has been in the Tardis for 50 years, alone.

House eventually steals the Doctor's Tardis with Amy and Rory along with it. The Doctor and Idris build a new Tardis out of Tardis pieces and save Amy and Rory from House.

Unfortunately, the Tardis matrix has to leave Idris, so the Doctor loses his "wife", but he will always have the Tardis.

The trailer for this episode is beneath this sentence, it includes scenes from when House terrorizes Amy and Rory, as well as some creepy voice overs from House himself. 

Monday, February 8, 2016

The Pandorica Opens (Bonus Blog)

Congratulations you guys! We worked together, got 100 followers on Instagram and now you get a bonus blog! The most votes were for "Matt Smith as the Villain" so here it is!

The Pandorica Opens; Season 5 Episode 12. Matt Smith (the Doctor) gets a clue from his friend Vincent Van Gogh, a painting that eventually leads the Doctor, Amy and River to Stonehenge. Underneath Stonehenge is the Pandorica, a box that is told to hold a creature more evil than anything else in existence. 

Van Gogh's message to the Doctor
The Doctor inspects the box and figures out that it is opening, from the inside...River proceeds to tell him that just about everything he has ever encountered in his 900 years is out there, above Stonehenge, waiting to "take the Pandorica" Matt deals with them in such a suspenseful, well spoken way. Take a look below.

Little does the Doctor (Matt Smith) know, the Pandorica was built to contain him. He had scared all these different races, the Cybermen, Daleks and even the Sontarans, so bad that they got together and planned a way to capture the "taker of worlds"; the Doctor.

Different Races Gathering To Capture The Doctor (Matt Smith)
The Doctor begged and pleaded that something bad was going to happen should they lock him in the Pandorica, but they did not listen to him. They put the Doctor in the box and sealed it tight.

The Villain Is Captured
Matt was the villain in this episode, though his actions may have been for the best, to the alien races, he was the bad guy.